The LSF (Light Steel Frame) structure constructed in Romania serves as a versatile space for both coffee shops and retail stores. Utilizing advanced light steel technology, this building boasts not only lightweight construction but also high levels of safety and durability.
Designed to withstand the specific climatic conditions of the region, the flat roof of this structure is engineered to bear a snow load of two kilonewtons per square meter, ensuring optimal protection for the building and its occupants during cold seasons.
With its modern design and attention to aesthetic details, this space stands out as a unique destination for cafes, shops, and various retail outlets. The dynamic architecture of this structure promises an engaging and enjoyable experience for customers, enhancing the shopping and leisure atmosphere.
For inquiries regarding similar projects or any further information on these types of constructions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our experienced team is ready to provide the necessary services and consultation to meet your needs.
Title :
Location :
Area :
95 m2
Heavy Steel :
Roll Former Machine :
Longest Member :
Time to Design :
5.00 m
3 Days
Designing Code :
Characteristic Value of Snow Load :
Fundamental Basic Wind Velocity :
Basic Velocity Pressure :
Reference Value of Peak Ground Acceleration :
IBC 2021
2.00 kN/m2
28.00 m/s
0.50 kN/m2
0.20 m/s2
Whether you build in the residential or non-residential sector, when you need a reliable construction method that delivers projects on time and within budget, you can’t go past cold-formed steel (CFS) construction. Lgsfdesign network can provide professional CFS designing services for you.
Leave a message if you have similar project and need to design.